Symptoms of prostatitis can make a man's life unbearable. Experienced doctors will help you quickly deal with the problem.

Inflammation of the tissues of the prostate gland (prostate) is called prostatitis. The prostate is an endocrine organ that affects several processes in the male genitourinary system. With its inflammation, there is a violation of the urinary function, difficulties with potency, libido and ejaculation. Manifestations of prostatitis significantly worsen the quality of life, affect the reproductive function. According to statistics, today inflammation of the prostate is the most common disease of the genitourinary system in men.
Signs of prostatitis
Symptoms of the disease can be both acute and almost invisible. If you find yourself experiencing the following symptoms, albeit minor, it is better to immediately consult a doctor to confirm or refute the diagnosis.
- Miction disorders: frequent urge, especially during the period of nocturnal sleep, weak or intermittent stream, pain, accompanied by difficulty urinating.
- Pain in the lower abdomen, which gives into the anus, scrotum, perineum.
- Decreased libido, impaired potency or sexual dysfunction.
- Change in consistency, color, amount of ejaculate, difficulty with ejaculation.
When identifying signs and symptoms of prostatitis in men, do not self-medicate and do not use recommendations from the Internet. At best, they will not help you, at worst, they can harm you. In addition, untimely access to a doctor provokes an aggravation of the condition.

Signs of different types of prostatitis
According to the nature of the flow, there are:
Typical symptoms of acute prostatitis:
- fever, a sharp increase in body temperature (up to 40 degrees);
- severe headaches, weakness, fatigue, irritability;
- pain in the groin, back, when urinating, frequent urge;
- change in the quality of urine (it becomes more cloudy, viscous, mixed with blood), unusual discharge from the urethral canal occurs.
If you do not seek medical help in time, acute prostatitis can provoke complications:
- abscess in the body of the prostate;
- vesiculitis (inflammation of seminal vesicles);
- colliculitis (inflammation of the seminal tubercle);
- the occurrence of scars and adhesions in the gland and spermatic cord;
- stagnant processes in the tissues of the prostate gland;
A feature of the chronic form is the blurring of the clinical manifestations and symptoms of prostatitis. Manifestations are similar to the acute form, but have a sluggish character. The causes of the pathology, as a rule, are abacterial prostatitis, prostatosis (stagnation of blood in the vessels).
Diagnosis and treatment
Inflammation of the prostate gland has a characteristic clinical picture. An experienced urologist can easily establish a diagnosis after taking anamnesis, examination and palpation, laboratory and instrumental studies (general and bacterial urine and blood tests, blood tests for PSA, prostate secretion sampling, spermogram, ultrasound).

In the case when the patient turns to a specialist in time, the treatment of prostatitis involves an integrated approach and gives excellent results.
The modern clinic is equipped with modern high-tech equipment for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system. Qualified delicate doctors will provide you with effective and most appropriate assistance.

Symptoms of prostatitis: pain, burning, discharge, pain, incontinence
Symptoms of prostatitis are most often of 3 types:
- violation of urination: difficult, frequent, nocturnal urination.
- pain symptoms: pain in the perineum, lower abdomen, groin. The pain may radiate (give) to the scrotum or to the sacrum.
- mixed form, in which there are both urination disorders and pain.

Causes of prostatitis?
For bacterial prostatitis
The infection enters the prostate gland from neighboring organs: through the blood and lymphatic vessels from a distant inflammatory focus (tonsillitis, sinusitis, caries).
The most common bacteria detected in prostatitis are: Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Proteus, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus.
The role of sexually transmitted infections is discussed: chlamydia, mycoplasma, Trichomonas.
The activity and, accordingly, the manifestations of the inflammatory process depends on the properties of the microorganism, on the state of the pelvic organs, their blood circulation, concomitant diseases and other predisposing factors.
For non-bacterial prostatitis
Stagnation plays an important role. Violation of blood flow causes swelling, exudation of prostate tissues and creates conditions for the development of an inflammatory process that is not associated with a bacterial agent.

STDs and prostatitis
The question of the involvement of sexually transmitted infections in the development of prostatitis is widely discussed in scientific medical circles. There is no single opinion on this matter.
We consider ourselves to be supporters of a direct connection between infections, the occurrence and course of prostatitis.
Why is prostatitis dangerous?
Prostatitis does not pose a threat to the life of the patient, the process is chronic, worsening the quality of life.

Beginning prostatitis. How to determine? First signs
The first signs of prostatitis is a change in the nature of urination: difficult, frequent urination, frequent urge to urinate, especially at night. Discomfort when urinating and pain of varying intensity in the groin.
Prostatitis age? Is this a disease of the young and/or old?
Prostatitis is an inflammatory disease, so it can occur at any age. But adenoma or prostatic hyperplasia is an age-related disease in men over 50 and is associated with the development of a benign prostate tumor.
Chronic prostatitis. Is it possible to cure?
The presence of a diagnosis of chronic prostatitis implies the presence of changes in the structure of the tissues of the prostate, which remain for life. Like any chronic disease, prostatitis proceeds by alternating periods of exacerbation and remission - a period when nothing bothers the patient. With the right treatment and lifestyle, remission periods can be very long, and complaints will never bother the patient again.

Bacterial and other types of prostatitis
There are various classifications, the most commonly used was developed by the US Institute of Health in 1995:
- Category IAcute prostatitis.
- Category II.Chronic bacterial prostatitis.
- Category III.Non-bacterial prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome - without obvious signs of infection and lasting 3 months or more.
- Subcategory III A.Syndrome of chronic inflammatory pelvic pain (with leukocytes in the secretion of the prostate and the release of the pathogen).
- Subcategory III B.Syndrome of chronic non-inflammatory pelvic pain (without leukocytes in the secretion of the prostate).
- Category IV.Asymptomatic prostatitis (with leukocytes in the secretion of the prostate, but without complaints).
For ease of understanding, the classification can be represented from 3 types:
Acute prostatitis- proceeds with severe pain, fever, impaired urination. In the secret of the prostate - a large number of leukocytes, which indicates a clear inflammatory process. Occurs, as a rule, for the first time in this patient. If these symptoms occur in a patient with chronic prostatitis, then they are referred to as an exacerbation of chronic prostatitis.
Chronic bacterial prostatitis- Periodically disturbing the patient's symptoms, as a rule, are less pronounced than in acute prostatitis. When diagnosing, there is also an increase in leukocytes in the secretion of the prostate, it is possible to identify the causative agent of inflammation.
The most difficult to diagnose isnon-bacterial prostatitis, or the so-calledchronic pelvic pain syndrome. This is due to the fact that complaints are very similar to prostatitis, but associated with diseases of other organs and systems, in which it is not possible to detect signs of inflammation and pathogenic bacteria: spasm of the pelvic muscles, impaired interaction between the muscles of the bladder and its sphincter, anatomical disorders - strictures(narrowing) of the urethra, leads to inflammation due to increased pressure inside the lobules of the prostate gland.
Who treats prostatitis - andrologist or urologist?
Prostatitis is treated by both a urologist and an andrologist.
An andrologist is a urologist who specializes in diseases of the male sexual and reproductive sphere.
Methods and schemes for the treatment of prostatitis
All prostate treatment regimens consist of drugs: drugs that improve the contraction of the prostate and bladder while relaxing the sphincter.
Good results are obtained by the simultaneous administration of drugs and physiotherapy (prostate massage, complexes for the treatment of prostatitis).

What tests are given for prostatitis?
Fordiagnosis of prostatitisa consultation with a urologist (andrologist) is required to collect patient complaints, medical history, microscopy of prostate secretion and ultrasound diagnostics.
For diagnosis, transrectal ultrasound of the prostate (TRUS) and prostate secretion obtained after prostate massage are used for microscopic examination.
Additionally, sowing of the secret of the prostate gland on the bacterial flora with the determination of the sensitivity of the inoculated microflora to antibiotics can be used.
Surgical interventions and operations for prostatitis
With prostatitis, operations are practically not used. With the exception of prostate abscess - a process in which foci with purulent contents are formed.
Can you cure prostatitis yourself?
In the presence of severe symptoms, it is better to be treated by a specialist, the time factor is of great importance in the treatment, since the longer the inflammation proceeds, the greater the likelihood of irreversible changes in the organ.
But it is better to do prevention yourself, no doctor will do it for you.
Avoid hypothermia, congestion from prolonged sitting, sexually transmitted infections, irregular sexual activity - all this is the way to effective prevention of prostatitis.
Medicines for prostatitis
Medicines for the treatment of prostatitis are divided into groups according to the mechanism of action:
Antibacterial agents (antibiotics)are prescribed only in the presence of a diagnosis: chronic bacterial prostatitis. The most commonly used are fluoroquinolones, macrolides, and the doxycycline group of drugs.
Alpha blockers:are prescribed to restore impaired urination, increasing the contraction of the bladder and relaxing its detrusor.
large groupbiogenic stimulants and herbal preparations.
Effective treatment is possible only with a correct diagnosis, since there are no universal medicines for all types of prostatitis. Often, patients take drugs to treat prostatitis, if they have a completely different disease, but with similar symptoms.

Nuts, roots, parsley, cucumber, honey, bees, leeches and other folk remedies for prostatitis
Folk methods of treatment have the right to exist, but you must understand that it is very difficult to choose a folk method that suits you. Upon request, the treatment of prostatitis with folk methods, the search engine produces 70 million results.
Folk methods no one investigated for effectiveness. What helped one patient with such treatment (and whether it helped) does not mean at all that it will help you.
Exacerbation of prostatitis after treatment. remission, relapse
All chronic inflammatory processes have periods of exacerbation and remission, when nothing bothers the patient. The duration of remission can be different and depends on many factors, including whether the patient is undergoing prophylactic treatment. Patients who periodically carry out prophylactic treatment, without waiting for a deterioration in well-being, have, as a rule, less frequent exacerbations.

Prostate massage at home. Is massage always necessary for prostatitis?
Prostate massage can also be done at home if you are married to a urology nurse. Any medical manipulation has its subtleties and nuances. Only a doctor can determine the indications for this procedure, so for some diseases: prostate adenoma (in the presence of acute urinary retention), prostate massage is not desirable, and for tumors it is contraindicated.

alcohol and prostatitis
Alcohol, in itself, does not cause the development of prostatitis, but is a factor that increases the stagnation and swelling of the prostate gland and, thereby, contributes to its development.
Sexual life and prostatitis
There is a direct relationship between the intensity of sexual activity and prostate disease. With prolonged abstinence, stagnation occurs in the prostate, which worsens metabolic processes, and disrupts blood microcirculation, contributing to the development of inflammatory processes. Regularity is more important for the health of the prostate gland than the intensity of sexual intercourse. Excessive sexual intercourse, especially with different partners and unprotected from infections, is the fastest way to prostatitis.

Does prostatitis affect women?
The impact on the health of a woman with prostatitis in a partner, of course, is available. The prostate, together with the seminal vesicles, produce the liquid component of sperm, which, during intercourse, enters the partner's genital tract. The main danger may be the presence of a sexually transmitted infection or bacterial prostatitis, which can provoke inflammatory diseases in a woman.
Pregnancy and prostatitis
Since the prostate gland produces the liquid part of the semen, which contains nutrients for spermatozoa, often with prostatitis there is a decrease in the quality of sperm, which makes it difficult to get pregnant.

Prevention. What to do to avoid prostatitis?
Prevention is directly related to the climate in which the patient lives and his profession.
Prevention of prostatitis is to avoid and minimize the factors that contribute to the development of prostatitis. It is necessary to avoid hypothermia, to alternate sedentary work with periods of physical activity. Important for prostatitis is a regular sex life.
Prostate. What is it and how does her health affect male fertility

A diseased prostate is often the cause of many unpleasant ailments, can make it difficult for a man to have sexual intercourse and even impair his fertility. Not to mention that every year in every European country tens of thousands of men get prostate cancer.
Many men are embarrassed about their prostate problems and do not go to a urologist. Learn more about the prostate itself, its diseases, and its relationship with infertility in this article.
What is the prostate for?
The prostate, also known as the prostate gland, is modest in size, about the size of a walnut, but has a very important reproductive function. The gland is located at the intersection of the urinary tract - below the bladder, right at the mouth of the urethra, which, moreover, passes right through the center of the organ.
The prostate is a gland, that is, like the sweat glands secrete sweat, and the liver secretes bile, the prostate secretes a substance that performs a specific function in the body. This substance is a cloudy whitish liquid in semen. In other words, the secret produced by the prostate is part of the sperm and performs the function of nutrition. It is thanks to her that sperm can maintain the necessary parameters - be quite viable and mobile.

In addition, the protein substance PSA is formed in the prostate gland, which is involved in the process of fertilization. Thus, there is no doubt that male fertility is largely dependent on the condition of the prostate, and any problems with the prostate gland can make it difficult to conceive a child, since they are associated with a decrease in sperm parameters.
The size of the prostate changes throughout life
A boy is born with a pea-sized prostate. In subsequent years, the gland slowly increases to reach the correct size for an adult male around the age of 30. The prostate of a man "in his prime" is about 2. 5 cm high, 4 cm wide and 3 cm thick, and weighs between 15 and 20 g.
30 years is a period of relative stabilization, during which the prostate does not grow as rapidly as before. It increases again around the age of 45. This is due to a decrease in the level of male sex hormones, including the most important of them - testosterone.
When changing the size of the prostate, we are talking about the so-called benign prostatic hyperplasia, which already at this stage can be associated with unpleasant symptoms.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia - what are the symptoms?
The most common symptoms that men with benign prostatic hyperplasia complain about are:
A man may also feel that his bladder has not been completely emptied. In addition, urine may leak out of the bladder in an uncontrolled manner.
All of these symptoms are the result of pressure from the enlarged prostate on the urethra, making it difficult for urine to drain properly. Stasis of urine in the bladder, in turn, can cause recurrent urethral infections, bladder infections and stone formation, and in the worst case, even kidney failure.
But the worst thing is that similar signs accompany other dangerous pathologies - prostatitis and prostate cancer. That is why it is so important for a man to contact a urologist as soon as he notices the first alarming symptoms.
Acute and chronic prostatitis mainly affects young men
Prostatitis can be bacterial or non-bacterial in origin. It can be caused by microbes or stagnation of secretion produced by the prostate gland. It mainly affects young men between the ages of 20 and 40.
- increased urge to urinate;
- burning sensation when urinating;
- sometimes an increase in body temperature.
Treatment of prostatitis is not the easiest, as many antibiotics do not penetrate the prostate gland well.
Prostatitis is one of the main causes of male infertility. Treatment of this pathology is strictly necessary.
Prostate cancer is another disease of the prostate.
In Europe, prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men. Every year in every country, doctors diagnose it in tens of thousands of people. According to statistics, this cancer affects approximately 30% of 50-year-old and 80% of 80-year-old men. At the same time, it is the third leading cause of death from cancer.

Prostate cancer
A characteristic feature of prostate cancer is that it develops rather slowly and is usually asymptomatic - at least initially. If symptoms are present, they are very similar to those associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Are there men at an increased risk of developing this cancer? Yes! The predisposition to prostate cancer will be obesity and a sedentary lifestyle, untreated urinary tract inflammation, excessive sexual abstinence, as well as genetic factors.
Prostate cancer is curable provided it is detected early. Unfortunately, many men put off a visit to the urologist, most often because of embarrassment and fear of a painful and unpleasant diagnosis. Meanwhile, it is enough to pass a few simple tests to protect yourself from this dangerous disease.
As far as fertility is concerned, with advanced prostate cancer, infertility is guaranteed. Therefore, a timely examination by a urologist is the key to a man's reproductive health.
prostate massage
Prostate massage is a useful urological manipulation aimed at maintaining men's health. It helps to restore the blood supply to the pelvic organs, normalize metabolic processes, improve tissue regeneration, increase the effectiveness of drug treatment, the outflow of accumulated toxins and pus residues, increase the body's immune resistance, and solve problems with potency.
In a specialized medical clinic, you can take a course of therapeutic prostate massage to eliminate unpleasant symptoms or restore potency at a comfortable price. The procedure is performed by urologists of the highest qualification category. The rich experience of specialists allows us to perform a delicate procedure with minimal discomfort for patients. The cost of massage is calculated individually, depending on the patient's condition.
Purpose of therapeutic prostate massage
Therapeutic massage is an effective prevention of the development of various diseases of the prostate gland (including cancer). It promotes the outflow of prostate secretion, reduces inflammation, improves muscle tone.
The procedure helps to get rid of discomfort and pain in the perineum, and also increases sexual activity and potency. It is usually combined with drug therapy, making it more effective.
The price of prostate massage depends on the duration of the course, which is selected individually by a professional urologist of the medical center, depending on the patient's condition.
If you want to make an appointment with a specialist or clarify the price of the service, use the feedback form or call the 24-hour phone number listed on the site. Our consultants are always ready to answer any questions as detailed as possible.
Indications for prostate massage
The main indication for therapeutic prostate massage is diagnosed prostatitis of infectious or non-infectious origin. It is also prescribed for:
- chronic pain in the pelvic area;
- congestion in the prostate;
- hereditary predisposition to prostatitis;
- erectile dysfunction caused by pathologies of the prostate gland;
- decrease in male sexual activity.
The effectiveness of prostate massage for these problems has been confirmed by numerous clinical studies. Our patients tolerate the manipulation very well, since it lasts 1-2 minutes and is as painless as possible. The doctor always controls the force of pressure on the prostate gland, depending on the individual sensations of the man.
How is a prostate massage performed?
Procedure results:outflow of prostate secretion
The patient takes a knee-elbow position or lies on his side. The doctor puts on gloves and inserts a finger into the rectum to a depth of 4-5 cm. Then he gently massages the prostate until a secret begins to stand out from it.
In chronic prostatitis, the doctor will prescribe a course of prostate massage. As a rule, it includes from 10 to 15 procedures, given at intervals of 2-3 days. After completion of the course, a break is made for 2-3 weeks, after which the procedures are repeated.

Useful information
In some cases, exposure to the prostate is undesirable. Manipulation is not carried out during acute bacterial prostatitis and other infections of the genitourinary system, with stones, abscesses, malignant tumors in the prostate, hemorrhoids, urinary retention.