Prostatitis is a disease of the prostate gland, which, according to statistics, affects about half of the world's men aged 20 to 50 years. The prostate gland is a very important element in the male genitourinary system: it produces a substance that activates the spermatozoa and ensures their stability. With the prostate, this function is impaired, leading to various problems. Therefore, if symptoms of prostatitis are found, treatment with folk remedies will help at home.
Symptoms of prostatitis
At the initial stage of prostatitis, the symptoms are very easy to manifest, these are:
- frequent and painful urination;
- decreased libido;
- pain in the lower abdomen or scrotum;
- burning in the perineum;
- ejaculation disorder;
- blood in the urine;
- nervousness.
If blood appears in the urine, you should immediately consult a doctor! This symptom may be due to purulent inflammation.
Most often, the disease is expressed in violation of urination. With a constant daily amount of urine, trips to the toilet increase. As a rule, urination occurs in small portions, pain or difficulty with urination may appear.
If the treatment process is not started in time, then an exacerbation occurs, acute prostatitis occurs, and the following is added to the first symptoms of the disease:
- increase in body temperature;
- fever and chills;
- swelling of the prostate.
With symptoms of the chronic form of prostatitis, all of the above symptoms may be present, but their manifestation will be periodic and not as bright as in the acute form. In some cases, prostatitis occurs without symptoms.
Prostatitis - causes
Due to various reasons, one of 4 forms of prostatitis can develop: acute, chronic bacterial or non-bacterial, prostatodynia.

The bacterial form of prostatitis occurs when infected with various infections, most often it is chlamydia, trichomoniasis or gonococcus.
Other forms of the disease can be triggered by:
- sedentary lifestyle;
- irregular sexual intercourse;
- circulatory disorders;
- hypothermia;
- nervous tension and stress;
- disruption of the endocrine system;
- avitaminosis.
Treatment of prostatitis
Now you know what are the symptoms of prostatitis in men, the treatment of the disease can take place with an integrated approach: both medications and folk remedies have a beneficial effect on restoring the functions of the male body.
If signs and symptoms of prostatitis are found, drug treatment is prescribed by a urologist after examination and diagnosis. During the examination, you may:
- collection of anamnesis;
- analysis of prostate secretion;
- urine test;
- bacteriological culture;
- cystoscopy;
- tomography;
- ultrasound;
- digital rectal palpation.
Medical treatment
Prostatitis is a disease that is quite difficult to treat. However, with conscientious observance of all the doctor's prescriptions, you can get rid of the symptoms for a long time or even for life. The doctor must prescribe a comprehensive treatment, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient's body. The main goal of treatment at the initial stage is to eliminate the cause of the disease.

Bacterial prostatitis is treated with antibiotics. It is necessary in order to get rid of the microorganisms that provoked the disease. Antibacterial therapy must be approached with all seriousness and responsibility. In no case should it be interrupted or terminated prematurely. If all bacteria cannot be destroyed in one course, they will reappear, but already with immunity to the drug. At this stage, a lot depends on the doctor, on how carefully and in accordance with the characteristics of the disease in a particular man, he picked up the medicine.
An important role is given to immunomodulators (drugs that regulate the immune system).
If the patient complains of pain, painkillers and warm baths are prescribed.
For more effective treatment, you need to make some changes to your diet. It is necessary to consume as many products as possible that improve blood circulation, raise immunity.
So, you need to eat:
- greens;
- onion and garlic;
- citrus;
- rose hip;
- mustard;
- seafood;
- fresh vegetables and fruits.
In addition, foods that adversely affect the body, promote blood stasis, and increase the rate of urine formation should be excluded from the diet.
It is strictly forbidden to use:
- alcoholic drinks;
- legumes;
- sorrel;
- offal;
- very spicy dishes;
- pork;
- soda;
- muffin.
Prostate massage
This seemingly unpleasant procedure for every man is a very important and indispensable element of therapy. Prostate massage allows you to:
- squeeze out the inflamed secret;
- improve blood circulation;
- accelerate the action of antibacterial drugs;
- tone the prostate.
During the procedure, the patient can be in a knee-elbow position or on his side, bending his knees to his stomach. The index finger of a gloved hand lubricated with petroleum jelly is inserted into the anus. After that, the doctor gropes for the prostate gland 3-5 cm from the anus. Then the massage itself begins, which is a gentle massaging movement in different directions (up and down, the number 8, etc. ).
How painful is this procedure? Oddly enough, it mainly depends on the mental state of the patient. Many note that having relaxed well, they did not notice any unpleasant sensations at all. Of course, the degree of pain during massage is affected by the qualifications of the doctor, the characteristics of the disease, and the size of the prostate.

The main goal of physiotherapy for prostatitis is the regulation of blood circulation in the pelvic organs. This procedure can be carried out using:
- electromagnetic oscillations;
- ultrasonic waves;
- warm enemas;
- laser therapy, etc.
Exercises for prostatitis
One of the reasons for the development of the disease is stagnation of blood. In this case, an attack of prostatitis may occur, the symptoms of which will be frequent urge to urinate. Let's look at a set of exercises that improve blood circulation.
- Contraction of the sphincter muscles. Such reductions should be done regularly, several times a day, 30 times. Do not worry if discomfort appears - this is from not training the muscles.
- Cold and hot shower. This procedure promotes blood flow throughout the body. You can take a contrast shower both for the whole body and exclusively for the perineum. It is very important to adjust the temperature of the water correctly: do not make it too cold or too hot. Recommended intervals are half a minute of warm water and a quarter of cold water for five minutes.
- Massaging the perineum. It is recommended to perform the exercise lying down. You need to massage the area between the anus and the scrotum, immediately below the pelvic bone. Massage is carried out using pressure movements of medium strength. We press for 2-3 seconds and lower for the same time. Repeat for five minutes.
Treatment with folk remedies
Of course, our ancestors also faced inflammation of the prostate gland. Before the advent of modern medicine, they developed their own, quite effective means. In case of pain in prostatitis, traditional medicine with its methods of treatment was used. Let's take a closer look at what it has to offer.
Treatment with onion seeds
Onion seeds are great for treating bacterial prostatitis. To prepare a medicinal mixture, crushed seeds must be mixed with honey in equal proportions. Take a teaspoon 3 times a day.
propolis candles
For cooking, you need propolis extract and cocoa butter. For 20 g of which you need 1 g of extract. Form suppositories from the resulting mass and inject them rectally every day at bedtime for 3 months.
Camomile tea
The recipe gives a good effect in exacerbations of chronic prostatitis. Chamomile infusion can be taken orally or used as an enema. To prepare, pour 100 g of boiling water 1 tablespoon of dry chamomile, let it brew for about an hour. After the time has elapsed, strain the solution. The resulting decoction can be drunk at night or used as an enema.

Attention! The temperature of the infusion for an enema should be 1-2 degrees higher than body temperature.
Pumpkin seeds
Treatment of prostatitis with pumpkin seeds was quite popular among our ancestors. The effect of this method is due to the high content of zinc in the seeds. For treatment, you can use seeds both in raw form (about 30 pieces per day) and in the form of a honey mixture. To prepare it, grind the pre-roasted seeds into powder and mix with honey. Make balls the size of a walnut from the resulting mixture, store them in the refrigerator. It is recommended to use old, candied honey so that the "nuts" keep their shape better. Eat one ball half an hour before dinner.
Chestnut shell treatment
It is popularly believed that this method will allow you to quickly get rid of prostatitis. For treatment, you will need a shell with needles, which must be brewed and drunk as a decoction. How to prepare a decoction:
- Harvest ripe autumn chestnuts.
- Peel them off.
- Fill with boiled water overnight.
- In the morning, strain the solution and keep in a water bath until they have evaporated by a third.
- Take 1 teaspoon before your first meal.
The course of treatment is 60 days.
Prevention of prostatitis
As you know, the most effective way to treat diseases is to prevent their development. It is necessary to check after treatment and detection of symptoms of prostatitis, 2 months after infection. This will help to prevent a possible recurrence of the disease in time.
To prevent prostatitis, observe the following preventive measures:
- Don't overcool. Do not sit on cold surfaces, use thermal underwear in winter.
- Conduct regular (once a year) check-ups with a urologist.
- Live a regular sex life.
- Try to lead a mobile lifestyle, if possible, walk more.
- Give up bad habits and eat right.
Watch your health!